Faith Curriculum Library: Tapestry of Faith: Circle of Trees: A Multigenerational Program about Nourishing Deep Connections with Nature

Alternate Activity 1: Song - What Can We Do

Part of Circle of Trees

Activity time: 10 minutes

Materials for Activity

  • Newsprint, markers, and tape
  • Handout 2, Song - What Can We Do
  • Optional: Let Your Heart Sing: joyous songs for UU congregational singing, produced by Joyce Poley and Frank Henning, 1991. Vol.1: 15 songs, Vol.2: 12 songs with chords
  • CD or a downloaded music file, and a music player

Preparation for Activity

  • Learn the song "What Can We Do" so you can teach it to the group, or invite a guest song leader to teach the song.
  • Write the song lyrics on newsprint, and post it where it will be visible to all participants.

Description of Activity

Participants learn the song "What Can We Do" by UU musician and songwriter Joyce Poley.

Distribute Handout 2. Teach the song by singing one phrase at a time and having participants sing the phrase back to you. Then put it all together and sing the whole song. The song can also be sung as a round.