Part of Miracles, Wide Age Span
Activity time: 5 minutes
Materials for Activity
- Chalice and LED/battery-operated candle
- Optional: Newsprint, markers, and tape
Preparation for Activity
- Write the chalice lighting words on newsprint, and post.
Description of Activity
Gather participants in a circle around the chalice. Welcome new participants. Welcome back those from previous sessions. Review names as appropriate.
Light the chalice, or ask a volunteer to light it. Lead the group in saying the chalice-lighting words you have posted:
We light this chalice
For all who have shaped our world
For brave groups
Of small number and great vision,
and great passion, and great love
Who have changed our world, forever
May we be inspired by their example
And know that we too
With great love, passion and vision,
Can transform today
And shape history
─ Rev. Christopher Jablonsky
Extinguish the chalice.