Faith Curriculum Library: Tapestry of Faith: Miracles: A Multigenerational Program on Living in Awe and Wonder

Program Structure

Miracles can be implemented in whole or in part, but we suggest you use the eight sessions in the order provided. The program’s flow takes participants from conversation about miracles to observation of miraculous moments, to a range of activities that engage them as agents of miraculous personal and social transformation with tools to be agents of miracle in the wider world.

In Session 1, Naming Miracles, participants begin to share their impressions and beliefs about miracles, and formulate ideas about miracles they might see in the world around them, particularly looking at our planet and solar system as miraculous. The session’s Closing introduces two songs. We suggest leaders rotate one or both songs, perhaps with another song or unison reading of your choosing, as regular elements in this program’s Closings.

In Session 2, The Miracle of Close Attention, participants hone their observation skills and seek the miraculous in the common. They look, as May Sarton wrote, “with absolute attention” at objects in nature and discover miraculous patterns which exist all around us. Alternate Activities guide hands-on investigation of the Fibonacci number sequence, a pattern found throughout nature.

Session 3, Miracles in Nature, makes participants agents of miraculous transformation. They perform three hands-on experiments to effect changes of state, using their close observation skills to witness the process of change.

Session 4, It’s All in the Timing, invites participants to explore the miracle of serendipity by doing experiments. They will learn about Joseph Priestley, and his discovery of carbon dioxide.

Session 5, A Miracle Inside, explores the process of transformation as it applies to human beings. They identify people in their own lives—perhaps themselves—whose actions in the world would be more fair or just if they had a miraculous, inner turnabout. They explore what helps a person change.

Session 6, The Miracle of Social Change, extends the conversation of personal transformation to imagine miracles that would help their community and the wider world. Participants explore how an individual can promote miraculous change.

Session 7, Miracles of Our Own, explores the possibility of creating miraculous change in terms of our world’s climate crisis. Participants discuss concrete actions kids, families, and congregations can take.

Session 8, Still a Mystery, concludes the program, and explores some natural phenomena that remain wonderfully mysterious, even under the examination of the scientific community.

Session Structure

Each session provides an Opening, several activities, and a Closing which comprise the core, 60-minute session. One of the activities is a central story. A Faith in Action activity and one or more Alternate Activities are also included in each session; their time is not included in the 60-minute core session.

Taking It Home

The Taking It Home section in each session summarizes the session, and provides extension activities including conversation starters, games to play at home, and suggestions for family rituals and excursions. Download, adapt, and copy the Taking It Home section to hand out to all participants at the Closing or arrange to email it to families. Your team of leaders may decide to provide some Taking It Home resources to families before the program begins. Encourage families to preview the questions presented in Miracles and get their own creativity flowing. You can also give families a link to the Miracles program on the UUA Tapestry of Faith website.