Faith Curriculum Library: Tapestry of Faith: Miracles: A Multigenerational Program on Living in Awe and Wonder

Before You Start

Once you have chosen a leadership team, an age group, and a schedule for the program, sort out the program logistics and identify connections you can make with the wider congregation and community.

Meeting space and other requirements

While the Miracles program will work in any meeting space, Sessions 3 and 4 include hands-on experiments that may need easy-to-clean work tables, outdoor spaces if available, and extra, open space around work tables. Some experiments require access to running water and/or electricity. In some, you will ask participants to sketch the transformations they observe. Review both of these sessions carefully to ensure your meeting space provides adequate square footage and resources to accommodate these activities.

Engage your congregation

How can you connect the Miracles program with other efforts underway in your congregation? Examine the Faith in Action activities in each session. Does your congregation have a Green Sanctuary Task Force, an Environmental Committee, or other group already focused on a justice or service project that might dovetail with a Miracles project? Can you identify calendar dates where Miracles topics might coincide with worship themes or congregational traditions? Look for connections that can strengthen the impact of the Miracles program for all participants and your entire congregation.