Faith CoLab: Tapestry of Faith: Wisdom from the Hebrew Scriptures: A Multigenerational Program

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To explore more about how the Hebrew scriptures came to be written, organized, and interpreted, read the work of biblical Scholar James L. Kugel. You can read about Kugel and his work in "Final Architect," by Janet Tassel, on the website of the Nahum Goldman Fellowship Program. Kugel's book is called The Bible As It Was (Boston: The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1997).

For an overview of the Hebrew and Christian scriptures and their meaning for religious liberals, read Understanding the Bible: an Introduction for Skeptics, Seekers, and Religious Liberals, by John Buehrens (Boston, Beacon Press, 2004).

Understanding the Bible An Introduction for Skeptics, Seekers, and Religious Liberals

By John A. Buehrens

From Beacon Press

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