Faith Curriculum Library: Tapestry of Faith: Wisdom from the Hebrew Scriptures: A Multigenerational Program

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To hear contemporary UU prophetic voices on our faith foundations for justice, read A People So Bold: Theology and Ministry for Unitarian Universalists by John Gibb Millspaugh (Boston: Skinner House, 2009).

To learn about Unitarian and Universalist prophetic voices from history, read Stirring the Nation's Heart: Eighteen Stories of Prophetic Unitarians and Universalists of the Nineteenth Century by Polly Peterson (Boston: UUA, 2010).

For more information about economic inequality, see the website of United for a Fair Economy, a non-profit organization that raises awareness, supports and helps build social movements for greater equality.

A People So Bold Theology and Ministry for Unitarian Universalists

By John Gibb Millspaugh

From Skinner House Books

More than 20 inspiring essays explore the vision, language and practice of Unitarian Universalism today.

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