Activity 5: Discussion - Option 1
Activity time: 20 minutes
Materials for Activity
- Newsprint, markers, and tape
Preparation for Activity
- Write these questions on newsprint and post:
- Why is this story preserved?
- What were they trying to teach with this story?
- What is it that we can learn?
Description of Activity
Invite participants to discuss the questions posted on newsprint. Use some of these questions to provoke, guide or further the discussion, as needed:
- What are God's moral principles in this story?
- What is the relationship between David's courage and God?
- Who is God in this story? What kind of being? Who is he for and who is he against?
- Why would God be on the side of the Israelites and not the Philistines?
- Why, in this story, does God not just kill Goliath?
- What function did this story serve in David's court?
- If David is chosen by God, why did God choose him?
- In this story, where does security come from? Where does it not come from?
- What wisdom does this story offer about courage?