Faith Curriculum Library: Tapestry of Faith: Gather the Spirit: A Multigenerational Program about Stewardship


The protection of nature depends on more than the organizational strength of stewardship organizations; it also depends on the quality of the relationship between the young and nature—on how, or if, the young attach to nature. — Richard Louv, author, Last Child in the Woods

This workshop explores interconnections of water, plants and animal life, with a particular focus on plants. Participants learn how in Nature, plants offer care and protection to animal life—for example, by supplying the oxygen we breathe. They learn why and how we care for and protect plant life—and by extension, all life—through stewardship of the environment. They learn that caring for the Earth is ultimately caring for ourselves, spiritually as well as physically.

Getting outdoors is a key part of this workshop. Activity 2, Nature's Hide and Seek, allows 20 minutes for an outdoor investigation. If you cannot walk to a vegetation-rich site from your congregation, try to arrange more time for this activity so the group can visit a complex natural habitat.

Faith in Action suggests initiating or joining a community-based effort to protect and care for your local watershed.


This workshop will:

  • Provide an opportunity to appreciate Nature near the congregation
  • Promote care of plant life as stewardship of all life
  • Explore the UU principle that nurtures an appreciation of the interdependent web of existence.

Learning Objectives

Participants will:

  • Explore the outdoor area near their meeting with attention to how creatures appear and disappear into the care and holding of their environment
  • Explore why caring for plant life is important
  • Learn what contributions plant make to the environment.