Faith In Action: Multigenerational Recycled Art Workshop
Part of World of Wonder, Grades K-1
Activity time: 120 minutes
Materials for Activity
- Recycled items and art supplies, such as paper towel tubes, magazines, fabric scraps, sea shells, paper and scissors, glue, tape, markers, and craft sticks
- Closing song lyrics from Session 1
- Optional: Food and beverages
Preparation for Activity
- Determine with the religious educator where to host this workshop. You might hold it on-site at your congregation or in another space in your community. You will need work tables with chairs and work surfaces accessible to people who use a wheelchair.
- Schedule a two-hour time-an hour for participants to create art and an hour to share and celebrate.
- Request congregants to bring recycled materials from their homes for this project. Supplement the items participants will bring with a variety of art supplies. You might include materials for wall hangings, sculptures, jewelry, or functional objects such as pencil holders.
- Invite all members of the congregation to participate. Request a pulpit announcement, preferably by the children in the World of Wonder group.
- Prepare the World of Wonder group to open the gathering by sharing what they have learned about creativity and bower birds.
- Set materials at work tables.
- Optional: Set up refreshment table(s).
Description of Activity
The children lead a multigenerational group to explore creativity in a way that promotes recycling.
Open the gathering by having members of the World of Wonder group introduce the concept of creativity and explain how bower birds use creativity. Invite participants to use the materials in any way that they wish to create a work of art. Possibilities include collages, wall hangings, sculptures, and functional objects such as pencil holders. Say that the goal is to be as creative and imaginative as possible; there is no right or wrong way to do their work.
After about an hour, invite participants of all ages to briefly share their creation and celebrate the amazing expressions of creativity in the group.
Optional: Serve refreshments.
To close the gathering, have the World of Wonder children lead participants to sing "We've Got the Whole World in Our Hands."