Faith In Action: World of Wonder Open House
Part of World of Wonder
Activity time: 60 minutes
Materials for Activity
- Chalice and LED/battery-operated candle
- Cloth for altar or centering space
- Group Covenant (Session 1)
- Chalice-Lighting Words (Session 1)
- Leadership Chart (Session 2)
- Handprint Garden Mural from Session 15
Preparation for Activity
- Consult with the religious educator and choose a day and time for the open house. Choose a location that will accommodate a large number of guests.
- Gather supplies for any group activities you wish to provide.
- Optional: Recruit volunteers to prepare a healthy snack, preferably with fruits or vegetables from a local garden.
- Optional: Copy the stories from each session to provide as handouts.
Description of Activity
This gathering invites the World of Wonder participants to share their experiences with the wider congregation and inspire others with their enthusiasm and dedication.
Plan the gathering so children will be able to demonstrate their growing leadership skills If the congregation has undertaken a project through the World of Wonder program-for example, a community garden, a composting project, or participation in the Green Sanctuary program-ask the minister and congregational leadership to come and thank the children for their leadership and inspiration.
Have the children help set up display areas with artifacts from sessions you would like to highlight. This might include copies of the stories, pictures of the group engaged in projects, and items the children have made (for example, beaded geckos from Session 1).
Designate leadership roles for all the children. Include the regular session tasks such as Chalice Lighter and Song Leader, and add tasks appropriate for the open house, such as "tour guide" to an outdoor project, such as a compost bin or garden. Optional: Provide supplies for a community mural or puzzle that everyone can help complete.
At the end of the event, have children lead the congregation in the closing song "We've Got the Whole World in Our Hands." At this time, acknowledge the volunteers who helped make the program possible, especially any volunteer leaders, photographer/videographers, adult song leaders, etc. Optional: Ask several parents to organize gifts for the leaders, preferably in the theme of the program; perhaps a copy of Rachel Carson's book The Sense of Wonder.
Including All Participants
Arrange displays so everyone can move around the space easily. Provide chairs for those who wish to sit.