Faith Curriculum Library: Tapestry of Faith: World of Wonder: A Program on the Seven Principles of Unitarian Universalism for Grades K-1

Activity 5: Song - We've Got the Whole World in Our Hands

Activity time: 5 minutes

Materials for Activity

Preparation for Activity

  • Learn the song so you can teach it from memory. Or, invite a guest song leader to teach the song.
  • Write the lyrics for the closing song "We've Got the Whole World in Our Hands" on poster board. Display near the closing circle.
  • Optional: View this YouTube video to get ideas for hand motions the group might want to use. Test computer and Internet access, and queue the video to show the children.

Description of Activity

Participants learn a song they will sing in each session Closing.

Say, in these words or your own:

Each time we meet, we will sing a song about caring for the earth during our closing circle. Singing together is a good way for us to feel a connection with each other. I wonder if anyone already knows the tune for the song, "We've Got the Whole World in Our Hands"?

If using the video, show it to the group, inviting them to sing along if they already know the song. Tell the children they will be invited to add new verses and motions to this song each time they meet.

Teach the song by singing one phrase at a time, with hand motions, and having participants sing the phrase back to you. Then put the phrases together and sing the whole song.