Leader Resource 1: Invitation to Participate
Part of Windows and Mirrors, Grades 4-5
Dear [name],
We would love to have you join our Windows and Mirrors (grades 4/5) religious education program on (date, time). Our session is about how our religious community is made up of all ages, each important to our congregation. We will hear and discuss a story about a Civil Rights event called the Children's Crusade—a time when adults were reluctant to act to further the movement and children participated in a way that no one else could. Then we will do some activities together to explore the different gifts that people of different ages and life stages bring to our congregation.
We hope you will join us. If you have any questions, or would like transportation to and from church for this event, please contact us.
We will follow up with a phone call to you in a few days.
(Co-leaders / contact information)