Alternate Activity 1: Spiritual Practice - Forgiveness Meditation
Part of Windows and Mirrors
Activity time: 15 minutes
Materials for Activity
- A chime or a bell
- Leader Resource 2, Forgiveness Meditation for Children
Preparation for Activity
- Review Leader Resource 2, Forgiveness Meditation for Children, and prepare to lead the meditation. You can learn more from a website about Buddhism that explores love and forgiveness meditations.
- Make sure to use an area large enough to accommodate all the group participants lying on the floor or sitting comfortably in chairs. If necessary, consider multiple separate areas to hold the activity.
Description of Activity
This activity offers a spiritual practice that children can use throughout their lives. It is a Buddhist practice of forgiving oneself, asking forgiveness from people whom we have harmed, and forgiving people whom we love as well as people we do not yet love.
Ask the children what they know about meditation. Allow some responses. Then, invite them to lie comfortably on the floor or to sit in their chairs. Lead them in taking three deep breaths. Ask children to repeat silently to themselves each phrase you will read aloud.
Using Leader Resource 2, read the Forgiveness Meditation aloud, leaving time between phrases or sentences for the children to repeat the words to themselves.
Ring the chime or bell to end the meditation. Then invite the children to remain silent for 15 seconds. To finish, stretch arms overhead and then bring arms down to sides.
Thank them for their participation.
Including All Participants
Be mindful of accessibility issues. Invite participants to stretch as they are willing and able.