Activity 5: Window/Mirror Panel, Part II - Diverse Faith Traditions
Part of Windows and Mirrors, Grades 4-5
Activity time: 15 minutes
Materials for Activity
- All participants' Window/Mirror Panels
- Handout 1, Faith Symbols, for all participants
- Basket(s) of Window/Mirror Panel materials:
- Sheets of Mylar(R) in several colors, shiny gift wrap, aluminum foil and other reflective paper
- Sheets of plain or construction paper
- A variety of drawing and writing materials, including color markers (permanent markers work best on Mylar)
- Glue sticks, tape (including double-sided tape) and scissors, including left-hand scissors
- Optional: Stick-on sequins, a hole-puncher, yarn, ribbon, scraps of fabric and a variety of old magazines to cut up
Preparation for Activity
- Have materials easily accessible, including copies of Handout 1 you provided to participants in Activity 1.
Description of Activity
Say, in your own words:
Today we have spent some time examining our beliefs and where we learned or discovered them. We talked about how our family's faith heritage and our Unitarian Universalist Sources can help us as we keep exploring our beliefs. We have shared some of our own beliefs and seen how different and individual they can be, even just among the people in this room.
Now you have a chance to express who you are in your beliefs by adding to your Window/Mirror Panel.
Ask the children to bring their Window/Mirror Panels to work tables. Distribute Window/Mirror Panel basket(s). Invite the children to:
- Draw on paper or Mylar, or cut out and decorate, one or more religious symbols you find meaningful because of family or friend connections or because they are important sources for your own beliefs. Add the symbols to your panel.
- Write a statement of a belief that is important to you and add it to your panel.
- Make a drawing to show the faith heritage you come from, your beliefs now, or your life's faith journey up to this point.
- Represent your faith future, the Sources or faith traditions you want to explore, and how these might relate to your Unitarian Universalist journey of faith.
- A combination of any of the above suggestions.
Walk around and assist. Some participants may need to engage verbally before they find direction.
Give the group a two-minute warning so they have time to complete their image, affix it to their Window/Mirror Panel, clean up, and store their panels.
Affirm it is perfectly okay to invent a faith symbol, not use a faith symbol, or use a question mark. Remind children they may use the flaming chalice symbol to represent Unitarian Universalism as a faith heritage, a set of shared beliefs learned or practiced in our congregation, or simply where they come to church.