Activity 1: Window/Mirror Panel, Part I - Diverse Faith Traditions
Part of Windows and Mirrors, Grades 4-5
Activity time: 5 minutes
Materials for Activity
- Copies of Handout 1, Faith Symbols, for all participants
- Optional: Newsprint, markers and tape
Preparation for Activity
- At least two weeks before this session, ask participants to find out from their parents about their family's faith heritage(s). Adapt and distribute Leader Resource 1, Faith Heritage Letter to Parents.
- Print out and copy the handout.
- Optional: Post blank newsprint.
Description of Activity
Distribute copies of Handout 1, Faith Symbols. Explain that later in the session they may cut out or draw these faith symbols or others for their Window/Mirror panels.
Point out the Buddhist prayer wheel, the Christian cross, the Jewish Star of David and the Islamic crescent moon and star. Ask the group to identify the symbol that represents Unitarian Universalism; affirm that it is the flaming chalice. Ask if participants have any ideas why the flaming chalice is represented in the center of the handout. Say:
Unitarian Universalism respects all faith traditions and has a rich history and tradition of its own. Unitarian Universalists bring beliefs and practices from many different faith traditions to the religious community we share.
Invite participants to share about other faith symbols they may know, including their own experience with that faith.
Encourage children to share their knowledge of their own faith heritage. If you wish, collect their contributions, phrasing them briefly on newsprint.