Spiritual Preparation
Part of Windows and Mirrors
Find a place where you can be quiet with your thoughts. Make yourself comfortable; light a candle to mark the time as different from your other activities. Close your eyes and breathe deeply and perhaps repeat one word or phrase to separate yourself from the activities of the day.
Prepare for the lesson by thinking about the many ways that you have privilege. You might consider:
- What are some privileges you possess? These privileges can include your talents, skills, abilities, education or access to information/ resources/ money/ power that you have by chance of birth or geography.
- What is the source of your privilege?
- How does your privilege make you feel?
- In what ways do your privileges obligate, liberate and/or imprison you?
- What are some ways that you do or would like to use your privileges in the service of others?
- How does your Unitarian Universalist faith inform how you share your privilege?
Be prepared to share your insights with the children in the session.