Alternate Activity 1: Coyote And Friends Role Play
Part of Wonderful Welcome
Activity time: 15 minutes
Materials for Activity
- Copies of Leader Resource 1, Coyote, Rabbit, Moose, Bird and White Buffalo Woman Masks and Puppets
- Scissors
- Optional: White shawl for child(ren) enacting role of White Buffalo Woman
- For Puppets
- Color markers, pencils or crayons
- Straws or chopsticks
- Tape
- For Masks
- Tape or Glue sticks
- Single hole-puncher
- Wide, durable ribbon
Preparation for Activity
- Print out the images in Leader Resource 1 for children to make puppets or masks of Coyote, Rabbit, Moose, Bird and White Buffalo Woman. For puppets, children can cut the images out and tape them on straws or chopsticks. For masks, cut out or have children cut out the individual images. You can also use one or more of these images, instead of a friendship bracelet, to place in your Wonder Box and/or to add to the Wonder Box poster during the Closing.
- Optional: Obtain a white shawl for a prop to suggest the character, White Buffalo Woman, is not an animal but a dream spirit.
Description of Activity
Invite children to use the images of the story characters to make puppets or masks. Distribute the images for puppets or masks and place other materials on work tables for children to share. Most children will be able to cut out the basic shapes for each mask/puppet. Be ready to help children cut the openings marked for weaving ribbons through to make a mask (see diagram on each page).
Leave time for children to play with the puppets or masks. You may wish to guide them to re-enact the story, “How Coyote Lost His Songs, Music, and Dance.”