Faith Curriculum Library: Tapestry of Faith: Wonderful Welcome: A Program for Children Grades K-1

Activity 5: Tissue Paper Friendship Flowers

Activity time: 20 minutes

Materials for Activity

  • Various colors of tissue paper
  • Optional: Silver and gold tissue paper
  • Pipe cleaners for all participants

Preparation for Activity

  • Cut tissue paper into 8x10-inch sheets (five sheets per participant)
  • Optional: See a finished tissue paper flower on the Enchanted Learning website.
  • Decide whether the children will take their flowers home to give to a friend or give their flowers to another child in the group.

Description of Activity

Tell the children they will make a tissue paper flower. According to what you have decided, tell them:

You can keep your flower to remind you to value your friends, old and new, and to remind you that your old and new friends value you.

Or: You can keep your flower. You might like to give it to an old friend or a new friend. When you do, tell them something special you like about them, why you like being their friend.

Or: After we make our flowers, we will each give them to one of our old or new friends here in Wonderful Welcome.

Leave time for assembling the flowers and for clean-up. In keeping with the option you have chosen, invite the children to say what they will do with their flowers when they take them home, or gather the children in a circle and have each child pass their flower to the left. Make sure that every child gives and receives a flower.

How to Make a Flower

Stack five 8x10-inch sheets evenly. Fold the sheets like an accordion. Twist the pipe cleaner around the center of the paper. Gently pull each piece of paper towards the top center of the flower, separating each sheet of paper from the others to form the petals.