Faith Curriculum Library: Tapestry of Faith: Wonderful Welcome: A Program for Children Grades K-1

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The quotation that begins this session comes from "From Creed to Covenant," a sermon given by Rev. Lisa Ward on November 17, 2002 at the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Harford County (Churchville, Maryland). From Creed to Covenant: Roots of Unitarian Universalism

There are a few different versions of the seven Unitarian Universalist Principles for children. The UUA Bookstore sells stickers as well as the colorful fold-out, My 7 Principles: A Child's Booklet, using this wording:

1. Each person is important.
2. Be kind in all you do.
3. We're free to learn together.
4. We search for what is true.
5. All people need a voice.
6. Build a fair and peaceful world.
7. We care for Earth's lifeboat.

History of the UU Covenant

There are several accounts of how the Unitarians and Universalists developed a set of Principles in 1960 and covenanted to affirm and promote them as a unified religious denomination. One is The Premise and the Promise: The Story of the Unitarian Universalist Association by Warren G. Ross.

My Seven Principles A Child's Booklet

From inSpirit: The UU Book and Gift Shop

The Seven Principles in fun colors and short, simple language that’s just right for kids! Pack of 10 booklets.

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