Alternate Activity 1: "Heart Song Chant"
Part of Wonderful Welcome
Activity time: 20 minutes
Materials for Activity
- Optional: Newsprint, markers and tape
- Optional: Percussion instruments
Preparation for Activity
- Optional: Newsprint, markers and tape
- Optional: Percussion instruments
Description of Activity
Gather the children in a circle, standing if they are all able. Show them where you have posted the words, and teach them to chant or sing the song, "Heart Song," line by line. Then, teach them the body movements.
Listen, listen, listen |
Cup left hand to ear. |
To my heart's song. |
Place right hand on heart. |
Listen, listen, listen |
Cup left hand to ear. |
To my heart's song. |
Place right hand on heart. |
I will never forget you. |
Shake head "no," from side to side. |
I will never forsake you. |
Place both hands on heart, then open arms wide. |
I will never forget you. |
Shake head "no," from side to side. |
I will never forsake you. |
Place both hands on heart, then open arms wide. |
Now invite the children to share the song with a partner. If the group is large, you can have children count off "one, two," and ask all the "ones" to make an inner circle, and turn around to face the children in the outer circle. Pair everyone, using leaders as partners if you have an odd number of children. Say:
Now we are going to sing "Heart Song" again, in a way that acts out how we can give the gift of ourselves to another person. We will do the movements the same way as before, but, this time, say the words directly to your partner, and try to make eye contact with (or focus on) your partner the whole time.
Ask for a volunteer to demonstrate with you. Then, lead the song again, this time with each child singing or chanting to a partner. If you have time, let the children sing or chant the song again, with new partners.
To end the activity, re-gather the group in one circle. Guide the children to reflect. You can use these prompts:
- Did it feel more like you were giving the gift of yourself, or more like you were receiving the gift of the other person? Why?
- Was it easy or hard to keep eye contact with (or, focus on) the other person?
- Sometimes when you are trying to remember the song, it can be hard to focus on your partner. Did that happen for anyone?