Faith Curriculum Library: Tapestry of Faith: Wonderful Welcome: A Program for Children Grades K-1

Activity 4: "Be Here Now" Signs

Activity time: 15 minutes

Materials for Activity

  • 8 X 11" sheets of card stock or construction paper cut into 5 X 8 pieces
  • Magnet strips
  • Fine markers, crayons, and/or colored pencils for decorating cards
  • Glue, if magnet strips are not self-adhesive
  • Newsprint, markers and tape

Preparation for Activity

  • Write the words, "Be Here Now," on newsprint, and post.
  • Set paper and markers on worktables.

Description of Activity

Remind the children about Maya's questions in the story, "Maya's Questions."

Say, in your own words:

Maya was not sure she knew what was important, who she should listen to, or what she should do. She was worried about all of that. Those are questions that all of us worry about sometimes. In the story, Maya learned that just being Maya was the most important thing. Her grandmother helped her understand that she really did know what was important, all along. All we really need to do is pay attention to what is going on around us and be ready to be kind. Like Maya, we will always know who is important at that moment, and what to do. Buddhists have a simple way of saying this. It is three little words: "Be here now. "

Show the children the words you have written on newsprint. Then say:

We are going to make our own "Be here now" signs. We can take them home to remind us and our families that it is important to be yourself and pay attention to what is going on around you. This will help us know what is important and what to do. You will glue a magnet on the back of your sign so you can put it on your refrigerator where the whole family can see it.

Direct the children to worktables and invite them to copy the words "Be here now" onto a piece of cardstock or construction paper. Encourage them to decorate their signs. Help them attach one or more magnet strips to the back.