Activity 4: Singing This Little Light Of Mine
Part of Wonderful Welcome
Activity time: 5 minutes
Materials for Activity
- A copy of Singing the Living Tradition, the Unitarian Universalist hymnbook
- Optional: Newsprint, markers and tape
- Optional: Percussion instruments
Preparation for Activity
- Prepare to lead the song, "This Little Light of Mine," Hymn 118 in Singing the Living Tradition, or enlist a volunteer to lead it.
- Optional: Write the lyrics on newsprint and post.
- Optional: Obtain percussion instruments for the children to use.
Description of Activity
Children learn a common hymn.
Say to the group:
In some congregations, people light candles as they share joys and concerns. Here is a song about how every person's spirit is like a little light that is inside them. Our light shines when we contribute a part of ourselves. When we sing together, we contribute a part of ourselves - our voice. We will be sharing our inner light with each other when we sing this song.
Teach the song. Some children may already know it. Lead children in singing, with percussion instruments if you have them.
Including All Participants
Some children may not like to sing. That is okay. Encourage those resistant to singing to use a percussion instrument or clap their hands. Thank everyone for sharing their spirit.