Leader Resource 2: Wool-Weaving Illustration
Part of Wonderful Welcome
The craft, "Wool Weaving," appears in the book, Animal Crackers, copyright by and available from Heifer International. Permission pending.
Wool Weaving
Four lengths of 36" yarn, 4 drinking
straws, ball of yarn, pieces of
1. Thread each piece of yarn
through a straw; divide yarn in
2. Knot pairs together; loop over
doorknob or hook; push straws
against knot. To anchor, wrap
yarn ends around slit cardboard.
3. Wind ball of yarn on to cardboard
shuttle; weave over and under on
straws until they are covered.
4. Push weaving away from you; pull straws
toward you.
5. Continue until long enough to make a belt.
6. Remove straws; knot yarn ends.