Faith Curriculum Library: Tapestry of Faith: Toolbox of Faith: A Program That Helps Children Discover the Uses of Faith

Alternate Activity 1: Word Art - "if I Had A Hammer"

Activity time: 25 minutes

Materials for Activity

  • Large sheet(s) of poster board and markers
  • A copy of Leader Resource 1, "If I Had a Hammer" lyrics

Preparation for Activity

  • Decide where you will display the poster of song lyrics, in your meeting space or elsewhere in the congregation. If you will have the group lead others in singing the song, "If I Had a Hammer" (Faith in Action), guide the children to write the lyrics large enough and legible enough to serve as a song-leading tool. Plan for small groups of participants to work on separate posters to display each verse.

Description of Activity

Invite participants to write the words to the song on a poster (or posters) and decorate it. Have participants add a border, illustrate the lyrics, and be creative in their portrayal of the song.