Faith Curriculum Library: Tapestry of Faith: Toolbox of Faith: A Program That Helps Children Discover the Uses of Faith

Leader Resource 2: Chant - Kore Chant

Listen to a tune for the chant, Kore Chant online. You can also hear it on the track, Spider Woman/Kore Chant on the CD, She Changes: A Collection of Songs from Healing Circles, by the group Moving Breath on a label by the same name.

If you are not sure how to musically incorporate the counter-harmony couplet, you may add it as a final verse.

You can also make up your own tune, or lead this as a spoken chant.

She changes everything she touches

And everything she touches changes

She changes everything she touches

And everything she touches changes.

He changes everything he touches

And everything he touches changes.

He changes everything he touches

And everything he touches changes.

It changes everything it touches,

And everything it touches changes.

It changes everything it touches,

And everything it touches changes.

Change is, touch is. Touch is, change is.

Change is, touch is. Touch is, change is.

Change us, touch us. Touch us, change us.

Change us, touch us. Touch us, change us.


We are changers. And everything we touch can change.