Session 2: Questioning (Magnifying Glass) Part of Toolbox of Faith, Grades 4-5 In This Section Introduction From Toolbox of Faith Question everything! — Maria Mitchell (1818-1889), Unitarian, astronomer The magnifying glass symbolizes questioning and looking deeper. This session focuses on the value of questioning assumptions and wondering, "Why?" The children hear about astronomer and Unitarian Maria Mitchell, who embodied... Session-at-a-Glance From Toolbox of Faith ACTIVITY MINUTES Welcoming and Entering Opening 5 Activity 1: Story — The Stargazer Who Discovered a Comet 10 Activity 2: "Have You Ever . . .?" Game 10 Activity 3: "Twinkle, Twinkle, Have You Any Wool?" Singing Game 5 Activity 4: The Power of Magnification 30 Activity 5: Council Circle 10 Faith... Spiritual Preparation From Toolbox of Faith Take a moment and let your body and mind settle. If you are comfortable doing so, spend a few moments in peaceful meditation. In preparation for this session on questioning, you may wish to reflect on how you personally respond to times when you have wondered or been skeptical about something, or... Welcoming and Entering From Toolbox of Faith Materials for Activity Copies of Handout 1, Star-Stuff Word Search, and pencils, for all participants Preparation for Activity Photocopy Handout 1, Star-Stuff Word Search, for all participants. Description of Activity Welcome participants as they arrive and give each child a pencil and the word... Opening From Toolbox of Faith Activity time: 5 minutes Materials for Activity Chalice candle or LED/battery-operated candle Lighter and extinguisher, if needed Newsprint, markers, and tape Tool of the Day - a magnifying glass Optional: Toolbox of Our Faith poster; a copy of Handout 1, Star-Stuff Word Search; and tape or a glu... Activity 1: Story - The Stargazer Who Discovered a Comet From Toolbox of Faith Activity time: 10 minutes Materials for Activity A copy of the story, "The Stargazer Who Discovered a Comet" Preparation for Activity Read and prepare to tell the story of Unitarian and astronomer, Maria Mitchell (1818-1889). Note: "Maria" is pronounced "Ma-RYE-ah." Description of Activity Gather... Activity 2: "Have You Ever . . .?" Game From Toolbox of Faith Activity time: 10 minutes Materials for Activity A copy of Leader Resource 1, "Have You Ever . . .?" Questions Preparation for Activity The game, Have You Ever . . .?, works best with larger groups. A non-competitive option for four or fewer participants is the game, Twenty Questions.... Activity 3: "Twinkle, Twinkle, Have You Any Wool?" Singing Game From Toolbox of Faith Activity time: 5 minutes Preparation for Activity You may like to read Bernie DeKoven's website for a description of how he invented this singing game. Description of Activity What well known song about stars simply poses Maria Mitchell's scientific and spiritual questions?... Activity 4: The Power of Magnification From Toolbox of Faith Activity time: 30 minutes Materials for Activity Magnifying glasses for participants to share For Sun Bursts. Latex balloons, enough for all participants plus some extra, two or three magnifying glasses, string and scissors, and (optional) water For Light Write. Paper for all participants.... Activity 5: Council Circle From Toolbox of Faith Activity time: 10 minutes Materials for Activity Tool of the Day - a magnifying glass Chalice candle or LED/battery-operated candle Safety matches and long fireplace matches Small dish for spent matches Candle snuffer Council candles (a tea light or votive candle for each participant, or some to... Leader Reflection and Planning From Toolbox of Faith Reflect on these questions and discuss them with your co-leaders: How do we feel about today's session? What parts of the session worked well? What can we learn from the experience of this session? What preparations do we need to make for the next session? Faith In Action: Ideas From Toolbox of Faith Description of Activity Use a Faith in Action activity to engage the children in exploring why there is a continuing need for questioning, both in science and in society.... Taking It Home: Questioning (Magnifying Glass) From Toolbox of Faith Question everything! — Maria Mitchell (1818-1889), Unitarian, astronomer IN TODAY'S SESSION... The magnifying glass symbolizes questioning and looking deeper. The children learned about questioning because Unitarian Universalism considers each person's path of questioning and search for truth to... The Stargazer Who Discovered A Comet From Toolbox of Faith From "The Stargazer Who Discovered a Comet" in The UU Kids Book by Anne Fields and Charlene Brotman (Biddeford, Maine: Brotman-Marshfield, 1989); used with permission. "Afterward" from Rooftop Astronomer: A Story about Maria Mitchell by Stephanie SammartiRead the story aloud.... Handout 1: Star-Stuff Word Search From Toolbox of Faith From The Kids' Book of Awesome Stuff by Charlene Brotman, illustrated by Jeila Gueramian (Biddeford, Maine: Brotman-Marshfield Curriculums, 2004). Used with permission.Find the names of some of the elements that were once inside a star. The names go forward, backward, up, down and on the diagonal. Leader Resource 1: Have You Ever...? Questions From Toolbox of Faith Adapt this list of suggested "Have You Ever . . .?" items for the group, the setting, and the program goals. Have you ever climbed using ropes on a rock wall? Have you ever lived in another country? Have you ever sung in front of people? Have you ever been without a shower for more than one week? Find Out More From Toolbox of Faith Maria Mitchell Learn more about Maria Mitchell on WikipediaVassar Encyclopedia website. A site search of the Vassar College website will yield the article, "Eclipse Chaser," which describes her trip to Colorado to observe the eclipse of 1878. The home of Maria Mitchell on Nantucket Island, from... PREVIOUS: Find Out More UP: Toolbox of Faith NEXT: Introduction Download all of Toolbox of Faith (Word) to edit or print.