Leader Reflection and Planning
Part of Moral Tales, Grades 2-3
Take a few minutes to evaluate the session with your co-leader immediately afterward, while it is fresh. Be ready to share your thoughts with other team teachers and your director of religious education.
You might find it helpful to consider these questions:
- Which activities worked well? What didn't work so well?
- Were all children actively engaged? If not, who wasn't and why might that have been? How could they be better included next time?
- How well did the activities match the learning styles of the children in the group? What could we do differently to better accommodate for learning styles in future sessions?
- How well did the session balance physically active with sedentary activities?
- How was the timing? What could we do differently for a session to work better within our time frame?
- Were there any behavior issues? If so, how can we address them in the future? What kind of information or help do we need?
- What connections did children make with the activities? What connections did they make with the session's central ideas? How did we know that was occurring?
- What connections did children make with each other? What connections did we make with the children?
- Are we creating a program characterized by inclusion, diversity appreciation, respect, noncompetitive environment, and welcome? What could we have done differently?
- What questions or issues arose in this session that we might like to discuss with our director of religious education?