Faith Curriculum Library: Tapestry of Faith: Moral Tales: A Program on Making Choices for Grades 2-3

Activity 2: Welcome Game - Find A Friend

Part of Moral Tales

Activity time: 10 minutes

Preparation for Activity

  • Push back chairs and table to make room for participants to move freely around the meeting space.

Description of Activity

This game helps children build a community of respect and friendship, as participants learn ways they are similar to and different from one another. Tell the children:

In a moment, I am going to tell you to find a partner and I will tell how to choose that person. And, I will give you a sharing question to do together with your partner.

Tell the children there are two rules for this activity:

  • You can't have the same partner two times in a row.
  • Show your respect for differences. No put-downs or insults,

You may wish to have an adult or teen volunteer demonstrate finding a partner and discussing the sharing question with that person.

Although adult volunteers should participate, one co-leader should read all the directive statements and monitor the activity to make sure everyone is included and partners show respect for one another.

Use as many directive statements as you have time for. Vary them and use your own ideas to make sure children can find different partners each time:

  • Find a friend that ... has the same favorite color as you. Tell each other why it's your favorite color.
  • Find a friend that ... has a different favorite color from you. Tell each other what you like about your own favorite color.
  • Find a friend that ... has the same favorite food as you. Describe why you love to eat it.
  • Find a friend that ... has a different favorite food and describe why you love to eat it.
  • Find a friend that ... has not been your partner yet. Tell that person an active game or sport that you love to play.
  • Find a friend that ... has not been your partner yet. Tell that person about a book or movie you love.
  • Find a friend that ... you know really well. Tell that person something they don't already know about you.
  • Find a friend that ... you don't know very well. Tell that person two things they don't already know about you.
  • Find a friend that ... has the same color eyes as you. Tell that person one thing that you are very good it
  • Find a friend that ... has different colored eyes than you. Tell that person one thing you love to do

After you have finished the game, gather in a circle. Pose these questions:

  • Did you learn anything that surprised you about any of the other children in our group?
  • Did you learn you have something in common with someone that you didn't already know about?
  • Did you find any interesting differences?
  • What would this group be like if we all liked and disliked the exact same things? What would the world be like?

Including All Participants

If you have any new children or visitors today, listen carefully to their answers in this activity. The information you learn will help you give them sincere affirmations during the affirmation portrait activity.

To fully include children with limited mobility, make sure other children approach them to share information about their similarities and differences and partner with them.