Faith Curriculum Library: Tapestry of Faith: Moral Tales: A Program on Making Choices for Grades 2-3

Leader Resource 2: Faith Statements

I have faith that there is life somewhere else, on another planet besides
I have faith that rules are for a good reason.
I have faith that my friends will share with me.
I have faith that there is a God.
I have faith that the sun will give Earth light for billions of years.
I have faith that good things will happen tomorrow.
I have faith that my teachers at school will take care of me.
I have faith that someday everyone in the world will have enough food.
I have faith that someday there will be peace in the world.
I have faith in myself to do good things.
I have faith that people in our congregation will help me if I need help.
I have faith in myself to stand up to a bully.
I have faith that someday people and animals will be able to talk to each
I have faith in scientists who say that the Earth started with a big bang.
I have faith that people who die go to heaven.
I have faith that people who die get born again as a new creature.
I have faith that God is listening if I pray.