Faith Curriculum Library: Tapestry of Faith: Moral Tales: A Program on Making Choices for Grades 2-3


Activity time: 3 minutes

Materials for Activity

  • A ball of yarn
  • Newsprint, markers, and tape
  • Optional: One copy of Singing the Journey, supplement to the Unitarian Universalist hymnbook Singing the Living Tradition
  • Optional: Music CD or tape, and music player
  • Optional: A guitar, piano or other instrument

Preparation for Activity

  • Look at Hymn 414 in Singing the Living Tradition, "As We Leave This Friendly Place," and make sure you can lead the group in singing it. If it is unfamiliar, you might ask your music director to teach it to you.
  • If you prefer, choose an alternate song for your closing ritual. Find suggestions in Leader Resource 3, Alternate Closings.
  • Write the words of the closing song on newsprint and place it where the children will be able to see it during the Closing.
  • If you are uncomfortable leading a song, you can invite a musical volunteer to do it for you. Or, ask your music director to record the song, and use the recording to lead the group. You might even like to record the congregation's choir singing it.
  • Customize, print out, and photocopy the Taking It Home section for all participants, or prepare Taking It Home and email to all parents.
  • Optional: If you want to use the same ball of yarn you used in Activity 1, Web Name Game, make sure you re-roll or have a volunteer re-roll the yarn after that activity, perhaps while you tell the story, "We Are All One."

Description of Activity

Gather the group in a circle. Thank the children for participating and sharing their stories and ideas in this session. Tell them something that you liked about the way they worked together as a community.

With a ball of yarn, repeat the web game, this time saying, "Goodbye, (child's name)" to the person to whom you pass the yarn. Encourage children to throw the yarn to someone new this time. Invite the group to stand up together, holding the web.

Lead the children in singing "As We Leave This Friendly Place," Hymn 414 in Singing the Living Tradition. Sing together while holding the web:

As we leave this friendly place,

Love give light to every face;

May the kindness which we learn

Light our hearts till we return.

Say in your own words:

As Unitarian Universalists we believe that all creatures in the web of life are important and we are all one. See you next time!

Ask the children to help you carefully put down the web. Distribute the Taking It Home handout you have prepared, and dismiss the group.