Faith In Action: Exploring Ways to Exercise Air Power
Part of Sing to the Power, Grades 4-5
Activity time: 30 minutes
Materials for Activity
- Newsprint, markers, and tape
- Stickers or adhesive dots
Preparation for Activity
- Research groups in your area that do good work that connects with the theme of "air power." This might include an organization that fosters people listening to one another, such as projects to record people's memories or a citywide discussion of diversity issues; or a ministry of presence, such as visiting people in hospitals or rest homes. You might include literal air power projects, such as promoting the use of wind turbines or researching whether your congregation could get more of its energy from renewable wind energy.
Description of Activity
In keeping with this program's theme of building leadership, the Faith in Action projects build skills in identifying, planning, executing, and reflecting on work for the common good. Rather than offering a detailed project for each session, Sing to the Power provides structured ways for participants to voice their interests and follow through on their commitments. As in the "Earth" section, the "Air" sections' Faith in Action activities comprise a four-session block.
An action project begins with identifying a need. Begin by explaining that the group will create and carry out a Faith in Action project based on the theme of "air power." Offer, and write on newsprint, some examples of local groups or individuals whose work connects with air power. Invite participants to share any other examples of people working with air power that they can think of. Record these contributions. Then ask participants to brainstorm ideas of projects they might be able to do within a month (or, the time frame of the air power sessions). On a fresh sheet of newsprint, write all suggestions (including any ideas you might have).
Give each participant three stickers or dots. Ask them to vote for the suggestions they like best using their dots. They may put all three dots on one idea, or distribute them among up to three ideas. When voting is complete, identify the three ideas that got the most votes.
Now lead a discussion about what it would take to successfully complete each of the "top three" projects. What would be involved? What resources would you need? How much time would it take, and when would you spend that time? Who would you connect with? What might you learn? How might you contribute to the world?
When you have discussed all three projects, give each participant one more sticker/dot. Have them vote by placing their dot by the project they prefer. The project with the most votes will be your Faith in Action project for the month.
Including All Participants
Make sure you encourage quieter/more shy participants to share their views. Do not allow children who think the quickest or speak the loudest to dominate the discussion. Offer to place dots for a child who has mobility limitations, or have another participant place dots for them.