Alternate Activity 3: Learning about Our Congregation's Partner Church
Part of Sing to the Power, Grades 4-5
Activity time: 20 minutes
Materials for Activity
- Photos of your partner congregation and its members, or items from that community
- Optional: Pens and a card or note paper for thank you note
Preparation for Activity
- Invite one or more guest speakers from your congregation's Partner Church Committee.
Description of Activity
If your congregation has an active partner church relationship, this activity gives participants an immediate sense of connection to a congregation overseas. Invite someone from your congregation who is active with the partner church program to come and talk about the partner church and their understanding of the relationship between the two congregations. Encourage the participants to ask questions, both about what life and worship are like for members of your partner church, but also about what each faith community gains from the relationship, and why the partnership matters. Have the children write a thank-you note to any guest speakers.
Including All Participants
Make sure there is time and space for participants who are more quiet or shy to ask questions.