Activity 4: Egy Az Isten Posters
Part of Sing to the Power
Activity time: 20 minutes
Materials for Activity
- Newsprint, markers, and tape
- Handout 1, Transylvanian Art
- Large sheets of drawing, construction, or poster board paper
- Drawing and coloring implements: color pencils, color markers, crayons
- Scissors, including left-handed scissors, and glue sticks
Preparation for Activity
- Copy Handout 1, Transylvanian Art for all participants.
- Write "Egy Az Isten" in large letters on newsprint, and post.
- Set out materials so that all can easily access them.
Description of Activity
Tell the group:
“Egy Az Isten”, pronounced “Edge Oz Eeshten,” is the motto of the Transylvanian Unitarians. It means “God is One.” We are going to create posters with this saying on it, surrounded by traditional Transylvanian designs. Your poster should also include a personal religious motto of your own. Take a few moments to consider what your own, personal Unitarian Universalist motto might be. This is a way to pair your own words with those of our Unitarian sisters and brothers in Transylvania.
Indicate the art materials. Distribute Handout 1 and suggest participants color the designs, cut them out and glue them to their posters, or simply use the designs as inspiration for their own drawing.
When the posters are completed, or as participants are working, ask questions such as:
- What do you think of the motto “God is One?” What does it mean to you?
- What do you think Unitarians in another country might think of your motto, if you translated it for them? How would you explain your motto to them?
Including All Participants
Participants with coordination or vision limitations may need larger paper and markers. Be ready to help to participants who need assistance in writing or spelling.