Faith Curriculum Library: Tapestry of Faith: Sing to the Power: A Social Justice Program for Children Grades 4-5

Find Out More

Visit the website for the UU Justice Ministry of California to learn about Water Justice Tours and other UU faith-based efforts. A UU World magazine article discusses the UU legislative ministry movement; there are now UU legislative ministries in 15 states.

The UUA offers resources promoting stewardship of water which you can use to enhance this session. Gather the Spirit is a multi-age Tapestry of Faith curriculum focused on water ecology issues. The Tapestry of Faith Family pages in UU World magazine, Summer 2010, begins with a story about musician/activist Pete Seeger and his project to clean up New York's Hudson River.

The website Water Use It Wisely offers 100 tips for saving water andgames to learn about saving water.

The Clean Water website offers 10 ways to protect water sources.

More ideas can be found from this website with Ideas for Kids to Help with Conserving Water at Home.