Alternate Activity 4: Communion Display
Activity time: 30 minutes
Preparation for Activity
- Locate a congregational bulletin board or another place to post a display. Seek permission from congregational leaders or staff, as needed.
Description of Activity
If your congregation has a communion scheduled soon, invite participants to create a display to advertise the event and demonstrate what the communion means to them. Decorate the display with photographs from the congregation's past ceremonies, photographs cut of magazines, and artwork from participants.
For example, a flower ceremony display might include "Multigenerational Flower Ceremony" and the day, date, and time of the event in the center of a piece of poster board. Beneath, you might add short instructions, such as, "Bring a flower from your garden or a store. Take a flower home. All are welcome to participate." Around the sides, children can draw or write about their favorite flowers, why they like flower ceremony, how they helped plant a garden at home, what we share when we share symbolic flowers in our congregational worship, or why they think we exchange flowers during the ceremony. Decorate with photographs of flowers from seed catalogs and drawings by the children. Post it in a high traffic area at least two weeks before the service.