Faith Curriculum Library: Tapestry of Faith: Signs of Our Faith: A Program about Being UU Every Day for Grades 2-3

Alternate Activity 3: Shared Space

Activity time: 30 minutes

Materials for Activity

  • Art materials

Preparation for Activity

  • Find out what other groups share the meeting space and how to contact leaders of this group or groups.
  • Have a few ideas for decorating the common space that you can suggest to the other groups' leaders. For example: You might paper the door with welcoming art. If another UU group meets in the space, you might make a special chalice for this group. If a holiday is approaching, the children could make a large holiday card, or they could make a Thinking of You card.

Description of Activity

Is the space where Signs of Our Faith sessions are held shared with other groups? You might share space with an adult religious education program, yoga or meditation class, a preschool, or a civic organization. Children acknowledge shared space by creating a sign of welcome.

Tell the children about a group that shares the space. Invite children to create decorations to welcome the other group. Make sure the children's artwork or card mentions how nice it is to share space with the other group. Help the children think of specific comments such as "Thanks for putting the furniture back the way we like it" or "Thank you for adding the pretty rug."

Bring the creation to the attention of the leaders of the other group to make sure they see it. If the other group responds, share the response with the Signs of Our Faith community.