Faith Curriculum Library: Tapestry of Faith: Signs of Our Faith: A Program about Being UU Every Day for Grades 2-3

Alternate Activity 1: Leadership in Action - Helping with a Communion

Preparation for Activity

  • Consult the congregational calendar for planned communion services.
  • Ask worship planners and the religious educator if the children may help with the communion. Solicit ways children can help so they will have choices; some children may prefer not to be in the pulpit or in front of the congregation and could help with set-up, ushering, or clean-up.

Description of Activity

Participants assume positions of leadership in a communion service.

Leadership in Action (LIA) activities provide opportunities for children to take the lead in an activity that engages with the congregation. Through these activities, young people start to see themselves as leaders of their faith.

Tell the group about the scheduled service and invite them to help. Some participants may know how they would like to help. Others might need your suggestions. Present options to please both the more extroverted children (helping to tell a story, passing bread baskets) and the more introverted (setting up, cleaning up).

After the ceremony, talk with participants about their favorite parts of the service. What was being shared during the ceremony? Why did people share it? Was the sharing symbolic? If so, what did the flowers/water/bread/other object represent or symbolize? Ask them how it felt to take a leadership role and if they would like to help with worship again in the future.

Including All Participants

Pay particular attention to any children with special needs who might need roles modified in order to participate fully. Consider assigning roles to pairs or triads to share responsibility and provide back-up if a child misses the service.