Humankind has not woven the web of life.
We are but one thread within it.
Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves.
All things are bound together.
All things connect. — Chief Seattle, 19th-century Native American leader
This session concludes the program by affirming children's connection to our Unitarian Universalist history and future. They are invited to see themselves as carriers of a UU legacy: of faith in the power of humans to make the world a better place, of hope, and of support for one another on our faith journeys. The story of Antoinette Brown and Olympia Brown reinforces a sense of UU history and encourages children to help one another find the courage to follow one's calling.
Activity 5, Closing Celebration provides an opportunity to involve families of participants. Decide if you will invite parents/caregivers to attend the entire session or only from the closing ceremony through the end. If they will only attend the Closing, you might invite participants' entire families and/or schedule the Closing celebration so it will not conflict with worship or other congregational activities.
This session will:
- Show how strengthening our connection to each other, our shared past, and our shared future, can be a sign of our faith
- Affirm that to live one's faith every day takes courage and is a sign of faithful leadership
- Cast participants as keepers of a Unitarian Universalist legacy, inherited from the past and transferable to future generations
- Reinforce learning from the program and celebrate its culmination.
Learning Objectives
Participants will:
- See themselves as embodiments of our Unitarian Universalist faith, connected to a UU past and a UU future
- Understand why and how UUs help and support one another on our individual faith journeys
- Learn a story that connects two UU faith ancestors, Antoinette Brown and Olympia Brown
- Accept their stoles, as a sign of their journey toward becoming faithful leaders
- Celebrate!