Faith Curriculum Library: Tapestry of Faith: Signs of Our Faith: A Program about Being UU Every Day for Grades 2-3


Our lives begin to end the day that we become silent about the things that matter. — Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King

This session introduces public witness as a way to show one's faith by working for a just world.

The Faith in Action and Alternate Activities provide options for engaging children in direct public witness experiences. It is strongly recommended that you plan one or more events outside the sessions—if possible, the same day or week—where the children can support a congregational justice campaign through witnessing. Work with your Justice or Social Action Committee, and tailor the Faith in Action and/or one of the three Alternate Activities to provide this experience.


This session will:

  • Show that public witness for justice is a sign of our faith
  • Introduce John L. Cashin, a UU ancestor who showed his faith through public witness
  • Demonstrate multiple ways to make public witness
  • Explore the congregation's public witness ministry.

Learning Objectives

Participants will:

  • Understand public witness as a form of justice work through viewing and learning about examples of public witness
  • Understand public witness a sign of Unitarian Universalist faith
  • Hear words from the Prophet Muhammad that name good actions
  • Learn about John L. Cashin, a UU ancestor who witnessed for racial justice
  • Discover the congregation's public witness ministry and explore a role in it
  • Share stories of times they have witnessed or stood up for justice.