Alternate Activity 1: Leadership in Action - Collecting the Offertory
Materials for Activity
- Offertory collection baskets
- Activity 4, The Ritual of Offertory
- Leader Resource 2, Letter to Parents
Preparation for Activity
- Arrange with worship leaders for children to collect the offertory during worship and (optional) to address the congregation about their donation plan.
- Engage a few adult volunteers to assist the children.
- Prepare a letter to parents about your plan to have children participate in worship. Use Leader Resource 2. Plan to hand out the letter and/or email to parents after this session.
Description of Activity
Children conduct the ritual of the offertory.
Remind children of the ways the congregation spends money, using examples from Activity 4, The Ritual of Offertory. Explain the logistics of collecting money and let them walk through the process in the worship space before congregants arrive. Introduce adults who will assist. Make sure the children know what to do with the money after it is collected. Sit together during the service.
Gather the children after the worship service. Ask how they felt about the experience. Thank children for being good stewards and faithful leaders.