Alternate Activity 3: Leadership in Action - Hymnbook Drive
Materials for Activity
- A copy of Singing the Journey
Preparation for Activity
- On the UUA's website read about Singing the Journey, the supplement to the Unitarian Universalist hymnbook Singing the Living Tradition. Prepare to talk to the children about why the congregation would benefit from becoming familiar with Singing the Journey.
- Talk with your minister, music director, and worship leaders to assess interest in Singing the Journey and make plans for a fundraiser.
- Optional: Invite the music director to teach the children a song from the supplement. Arrange a time for the children to help the music director introduce the song into the congregational repertoire, during worship or at a special event.
- Optional: If the congregation already uses Singing the Journey or if the congregation has a significant Spanish-speaking population, you might hold a fundraiser to purchase copies of Las Voces del Camino, the Spanish language version of the hymnbook supplement. Read about the Spanish language hymnbook online.
Description of Activity
Children raise funds to purchase the Unitarian Universalist hymnbook supplement, Singing the Journey.
Show the group a copy of Singing the Journey. Invite them to share about any of the hymns they already know. Point out the diversity sources and styles of music included in the supplement and tell why it would be a service to the congregation and a sign of leadership to help the congregation purchase more hymnbooks so everyone could learn new songs.
Brainstorm fundraising ideas. For example, the children might sing a hymn from Singing the Journey at a music service or choir service, with proceeds from that service's offertory to help purchase Singing the Journey. The children could sing the song the music director teaches them or lead the congregation in singing "Come, Come Whoever You," learned in Session 10, as a round.
Another option is hosting a coffeehouse: Invite congregational and community members to perform, charge a small admission, and sell refreshments.
After the fundraiser, engage the children in ordering Singing the Journey from inSpirit: The UU Book and Gift Shop and unpacking/distributing hymnbooks when they arrive. Arrange for five minutes of an upcoming worship service for children to explain why this supplement is important, and how they coordinated the fundraiser. Help the group articulate why it is important to have the supplement in addition to the regular hymnbook. Perhaps the children can be part of leading the congregation to learn a new hymn from Singing the Journey.
Tell the children what a special service they have given the congregation. Remind them that taking part in worship is a way to be a leader in the congregation and demonstrate their UU faith.