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Part of Riddle and Mystery, 6th Grade
The National Aeronautics and Space Administration offers an introduction to cosmology with in-depth yet accessible information on the Big Bang, the beginning of life and other topics.
The PBS program NOVA has online resources about the beginnings of life and the origins of the universe, including interactive timelines, which could interest adults or youth.
The European Space Agency's website for children has a section called "Our Universe" with information on the beginnings of the universe and of life.
Science and Religion
To explore one way Unitarian Universalist religious education can celebrate the potential for mutual inspiration between science and religion, see Amy Hassinger's article, "'Great Story' Religious Education", in the Spring, 2006 UU World. It reads, in part:
If children can learn... they descend from the stars and that their ancestors once swam in the sea, (Connie) Barlow says, perhaps they'll see there's no fundamental contradiction between having a religious understanding of the world—one that stands in awe of creation and finds meaning and value in existence—and embracing the profound offerings of science.
For more Unitarian Universalist perspectives on the relationship between science and religion, read the pamphlet "Science and Religion: A Unitarian Universalist Perspective", by Helen Lutton Cohen, which quotes Joseph Priestly, a founder of British Unitarianism: "Distrust all those who require you to abandon (reason), wherever religion is concerned."