Part of Riddle and Mystery, 6th Grade
Activity time: 3 minutes
Materials for Activity
- Chalice or LED/battery-operated candle
- Newsprint, markers and tape
- Bell, tingsha chimes or other sound instrument
- Taking It Home handout
Preparation for Activity
- Adapt the Taking It Home section and copy it for all participants.
- Write the closing words on newsprint, and post.
Description of Activity
Briefly summarize the session with words like these:
Today's Big Question asks how life began. We used the idea of cause and effect to make up some stories of our own about why various things happen, then we heard how the story of how evolution explains the development of life. We said that myths are powerful and a good way to learn about the people who told them, but that science may be the best source for information about how life actually began. In our WCUU broadcast, we talked about life as a great wonder. In WIT Time, we took a stand to show some of our own ideas about how life began.
Distribute the Taking It Home handout. Suggest participants use the activities to continue exploring the themes of today's session.
Relight the chalice. Ask the group to say these closing words with you:
May this light shine on in each of us as we search for the answers to our own biggest questions.
Extinguish the chalice (or ask the Kid for the Day to do it). Sound the bell or tingshas to end the session.