Faith Curriculum Library: Tapestry of Faith: Riddle and Mystery: A Program on the Big Questions for Grade 6

Activity 2: Story - A Garden Is Born (Evolution)

Materials for Activity

Preparation for Activity

  • Read and print out the story.

Description of Activity

Gather the group and read or tell the story. At its conclusion, ask for reactions:

  • How do you feel about the theory of evolution? Do you think it is a good explanation of how the life we know came to be?
  • What unscientific myths and stories about the beginning of life do you know? (Remind them of the story about turtles "all the way down" from Session 1 and of the creation stories in the biblical Book of Genesis.) What do you think about these stories of how life began?

Say in your own words:

While most scientists and most Unitarian Universalists today accept the story of evolution as an answer to today's Big Question, they also recognize that creation myths were a wonderful way for ancient peoples to answer their own big questions and explain the world. Some people still strongly believe in creation stories like the story of Adam and Eve. Most UUs believe we can learn from and enjoy creation stories even if we do not believe they are literally true.

Many people believe in both evolution and a God that created the universe. Perhaps they see evolution as the mechanism God used to create everything.