Faith Curriculum Library: Tapestry of Faith: Riddle and Mystery: A Program on the Big Questions for Grade 6

Leader Resource 3: Story Starter Lines

I was walking along the sidewalk minding my own business when I stepped on a wad of old chewing gum. My foot kept moving but my shoe . . .

It's funny how the whole thing started. It was just a little, tiny fly that landed right on . . .

I can usually throw a ball pretty well, but that time I did something wrong and the ball went. . .

It wasn't my fault. They should put fire alarm boxes way, high up on the wall, so people can't bump into them. Anyway, there I was in the hall at school . . .

It was just a little thumbtack. And I was going to pick it up later, really I was, but I guess I forgot, because it was still there when . . .