Taking It Home
Part of Riddle and Mystery
Be ours a religion which, like sunshine, goes everywhere;
Its temple, all space;
Its shrine, the good heart;
Its creed, all truth;
Its ritual, works of love;
Its profession of faith, divine living.
— Theodore Parker
Talk about the quote. Does it seem like a good summary of UU ideas? Use the Internet to find out about Theodore Parker. Here is a little information to get you started: Parker was a Unitarian minister in the 1800s. He lived and preached in Massachusetts. He helped lead the struggle to end slavery in the United States.
Today's Big Question asks, "What does Unitarian Universalism mean to me?" We began by considering Unitarian Universalist ideas about mystery, faith and big questions. We heard a high school girl's story about her experience as a UU. In WIT Time, we created a human chalice. In our WCUU broadcast, we shared some ideas about Unitarian Universalism and what it means to us. We finished the session by celebrating Riddle and Mystery and thinking about what our group will do next.
Talk about how much Unitarian Universalism means to your family. Are you as involved with your congregation as you wish to be? How is your religion involved with your family's actions to promote justice? To take care of the Earth? Do members of your family spend time volunteering to help others? Do you show your UU identity with chalice jewelry or a chalice in the home?
Do something new in your congregation. Find a friend to venture with you into a new area such as singing in a choir, leading younger children's religious education programs, or taking a role in worship services or hosting a coffee hour. Ask a parent, a Riddle and Mystery leader or your minister or music director to assist you with information and help you try something new. You might want to explore UU options outside your congregation. Becoming more involved could be a good thing for both you and Unitarian Universalism.
Visit a Unitarian Universalist place where you have never been—another Unitarian Universalist congregation, or a UU event such as a District youth event or workshop, the annual UUA General Assembly or a UU retreat center.
Photograph something very special about your own UU congregation. Try for a shot that says something about Unitarian Universalism.
Does your congregation have work days, when people come to fix up your building and grounds? If so, participate in the next one as a family. If not, take on your own physical project at your building. Maybe you can spruce up the entryway to make it more appealing to visitors. Probably, your congregation has a building and grounds committee that has some ideas for you, perhaps a project your family can do together with another family in your congregation.