Alternate Activity 2: Song - Be Ours a Religion
Part of Riddle and Mystery
Activity time: 5 minutes
Materials for Activity
- Copy(ies) of Singing the Journey, supplement to the Unitarian Universalist hymnbook Singing the Living Tradition
- Optional: A recording of the song and a music player
Preparation for Activity
- Decide how best to present the song "Be Ours a Religion," Hymn 1058 in Singing the Journey-by reading the words aloud, singing together, or playing a recording for the group. If you wish, invite a musical volunteer to help lead this activity.
- Obtain copies of Singing the Journey, the supplement to the Unitarian Universalist hymnbook Singing the Living Tradition.
- Optional: Ask the music director or choir director to make a recording of the song.
Description of Activity
Remind/tell the group that Unitarian Universalists often express our ideas in hymns. Introduce "Be Ours a Religion," Hymn 1058 in Singing the Journey.
Ask what the youth think of the hymn. Does it describe the religion they know from their own Unitarian Universalist experience? Does the song describe the way they want their religion to be? If they had written the song, would they have added any words? Left any out? Changed any? If their changes were part of the song, would the song still fit Unitarian Universalism?