Activity 4: WCUU - Soul Talk
Part of Riddle and Mystery, 6th Grade
Activity time: 15 minutes
Materials for Activity
- Microphone(s), video camera(s) and tripod(s), real or simulated
- For studio set
- Backdrop made in Session 1
- Painter's tape or masking tape
- Leader Resource 2, WCUU Script - Soul Talk
- Leader Resource 3, Reporter Stories
- Paper for On-Air People's name cards, markers and string or tape
- Timepiece
- A copy of the Unitarian Universalist Principles and Sources (Session 1, Leader Resource 1, or a poster in your meeting space)
- Optional: Audio player for theme song (see Session 1)
- Optional: Studio lights (flashlights will do)
Preparation for Activity
- Retrieve real or simulated television studio equipment, backdrop made in Session 1 and other WCUU materials.
- If necessary, arrange furniture, set up and test equipment and post backdrop. If you plan to record WCUU:
- Make sure electrical outlets are nearby if you will need them.
- Pay attention to lighting. Do not set On-Air People in front of a sunlit window.
- If you are using on-camera microphones, direct On-Air People to speak toward the camera. Invite the Director or Floor Director to use the phrase "Quiet on the Set... Rolling... " followed by a silent countdown from five, using the fingers of one hand, ending with pointing to the On-Air Person to cue them to begin speaking.
- Copy Leader Resource 2 for everyone who will need a script for the broadcast. This script has seven On-Air people: An Anchor and a NUUs (pronounced "News") Analyst, who will need scripts, and five Reporters who will improvise based on the role descriptions on Leader Resource 3. If the group is small, plan to can omit some parts or ask some youth to play more than one part; co-leaders can be Studio Crew. If the group is large, expand the Studio Crew to include a director, a floor director, a camera operator, a sound engineer, a lighting director, a script supervisor and multiple production assistants.
- Print out Leader Resource 3. Cut the stories onto separate slips of paper.
- Make name cards for the On-Air People or set out supplies for youth to make their own.
Description of Activity
Participants present a WCUU show involving seven On-Air People-an Anchor, a NUUs Analyst, First Reporter, Second Reporter, Third Reporter, Fourth Reporter and Fifth Reporter. The Studio Crew might include a director, a floor director, a camera operator, a sound engineer, a lighting director, a script supervisor and multiple production assistants.
Assign roles, using volunteers for On-Air People and Studio Crew. You might invite the Kid for the Day to be the Anchor or the NUUs Analyst. Tell the On-Air People that all except the Anchor and NUUs Analyst will need to improvise some of their on-air dialogue.
Distribute the reporter stories (Leader Resource 3) to the five Reporters and invite them to read their individual notes carefully so that, on the broadcast, they can say the ideas in their own words. Tell them they need not say everything on the notes, just a few key points.
Tell the group when the show should end to keep the session on schedule; assign a Studio Crew member (director or floor director) to watch the time.
Give participants who will follow the script a moment to look it over. Review the script with the youth if any may have limited reading skills.
Begin the broadcast.
At the end of the broadcast, ask participants how it went. Ask them to summarize how Unitarian Universalists respond to today's Big Question: "Do I have a soul?" Which UU responses resonate for the youth? Allow comments.
Ask whether the youth think non-UU viewers would understand Unitarian Universalism and its ideas about the soul better after seeing this WCUU show.