Faith Curriculum Library: Tapestry of Faith: Riddle and Mystery: A Program on the Big Questions for Grade 6

Leader Resource 3: UU Guest Panelists

UU Parent

You are a UU Parent on a WCUU panel helping young people decide what to do with their lives. Here are some ideas you may base your answers on. You can think of other ideas yourself.

  • Know who you are and what you want.
  • Make your family proud of you.
  • You have plenty of time to decide what to do with your life. Do not try to grow up too fast.
  • Remember what we (UU parents) have taught you about making decisions.

UU Minister

You are a UU Minister on a WCUU panel helping young people decide what to do with their lives. Here are some ideas you may base your answers on. You can think of other ideas yourself.

  • Figure out your inner calling and follow it.
  • Make religion and spirituality part of your whole life.
  • Do things that affirm the UU Principles.
  • Try not to make choices that hurt others.

UU Religious Educator

You are a UU Religious Educator on a WCUU panel helping young people decide what to do with their lives. Here are some ideas you may base your answers on. You can think of other ideas yourself.

  • Grow up healthy and whole.
  • Follow the Golden Rule.
  • Stay in touch with our congregation.
  • Remember the decision making skills we have developed in our groups.

UU Young Adult College Student

You are a UU Young Adult College Student on a WCUU panel helping young people decide what to do with their lives. Here are some ideas you may base your answers on. You can think of other ideas yourself.

  • Be your own person. Do not follow the crowd.
  • Take some classes or read some books about making good decisions. Then make them.
  • Do not think you have to do the same things all your life. Try different stuff.

UU Faith in Action Person

You are a UU Faith in Action Person—someone who does social justice projects and service, on your own or with your UU community—on a WCUU panel helping young people decide what to do with their lives. Here are some ideas you may base your answers on. You can think of other ideas yourself.

  • Help other people.
  • Save the environment and everything in it.
  • Do good. Then do better.