Leader Resource 3: Truth Notes
Part of Riddle and Mystery, 6th Grade
Christian UU — You find spiritual truth in the UU Principles and many UU Sources. One of the most important sources of truth for you is teachings attributed to Jesus, found in Christian scripture. You believe Jesus was one of the most important teachers of truth who ever lived.
Buddhist UU — You find spiritual truth in the UU Principles and many UU Sources. Some of the most important sources of truth for you are Buddhist stories, perspectives and practices, such as meditation. You believe you can find your spiritual truth within yourself—answers to questions such as "What is the universe?" and "Why are we here?" One Buddhist belief that feels right to you is also a UU belief—that individuals must seek their own spiritual truths.
Judaist UU — You find spiritual truth in the UU Principles and many UU Sources. One of the most important sources of truth for you is the Jewish perspective that we humans are responsible to heal the world; if you believe in God, you may believe we humans have a covenant with God to make things better in the world. Stories in Hebrew scripture and Jewish writings about the big questions may shape your spiritual truth. A spiritual truth that is both UU and Jewish is that justice and how we treat one another are more important than being sure we have the right answers to big questions.
Humanist UU — You find spiritual truth in the UU Principles and many UU Sources. One of the most important Sources for you is humanist teachings. You believe it is a spiritual act to use our sense of reason and the tools of science to seek answers. You believe humans must take responsibility for our own lives and actions and should work to make the world more just. You believe our power to affect our individual and collective future is one of the most important spiritual truths.
Hindu UU — You find spiritual truth in the UU Principles and many UU Sources. One of the most important sources for you is wisdom from the religion of Hinduism. You particularly like two ideas shared by many other UUs: that all things are connected, and that individuals should personally search for truth.
Muslim UU — You find spiritual truth in the UU Principles and many UU Sources. One important source for you is the Koran, the religious book of the Muslim faith. You find that the words and lessons of the Koran are truths that inspire you to try to lead a good life.
Pagan/Earth-centered UU — You find spiritual truth in the UU Principles and many UU Sources, yet find your deepest truth in the divinity of the natural world. You believe that the Earth, humanity, and the natural cycle of life are inherently scared, and interconnected. You live your truth by seeking harmony with nature, in all your words and deeds.